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Meaning - The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life

Dear Readers,

The moments of our past often make us think about our decisions that have led us to our present circumstances. Retrospection gives access to some of our deep seated emotions that might not have surfaced at the time. I strongly believe that novel perspectives are like the lens that are required to see those hidden emotions.

When I meet people after a long time, some say that you have changed a lot and others remark that you haven't changed at all. This difference in perspective baffles my own judgement of who I am. I have only myself to compare with and I am the best judge of who I was and who I am today.

Our life is a product of several lessons that we gather in our life that we either learn from others or experience it ourselves. Despite what we think that we have complete control over our life, we do not credit destiny enough for the role it plays in pushing us in such situation where our integrity is tested.

I am frugal not because others told me but I understand the pain of living a life of limited means. I respect a person's decision not because it is what people socially expect from me but I understand that forcing your way will never work for anyone. I smile and laugh not because I want to be perceived as a lovable person but it is my modest effort to create small moments of happiness in life of other that is filled with misery and anxiety. I listen not because I have ulterior motives attached to it but I empathize with the emotions of what other person feels and act as a vessel for them to pour in their mind and create relations in deeper and meaningful way.

Destiny may control the situation in which a person is pushed but it is under our control of what we make out of it. Our efforts are not for nothing. Every situation and decision that I have made in the past created a present in which I live. There are many things that were not under my control but I do not regret for things that were under my control. I give my best efforts to steer the life that is under my control and pray humbly to the stars for those aspects not under my control that guide my life.

Another year is near end and we often connect the dots to understand what has been accomplished and set targets for next year. Recent years have been monumental in terms of learning and developing strong bonds. I thank everyone who have played a role in making me who I am and extend a heartfelt gratitude to all those who cheered for me.

Struggles have always been constant companions of our lives and they are not there to make your life miserable but to make you realize and value for what you have.

Plum blossoms are wonderful flowers that bloom in the harshest of winters. They embellish the dull cold winters and herald the beginning of spring. We may face prolonged struggles and countless disappointments but it prepares us to love the spring time that inevitably awaits. I hope this new year everyone find their own plum blossom in their cold journey of life. Spring is not far away! Happy New Year!

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